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Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret?

Hello there and welcome to this issue of News and Notes from Noccalula Falls. This time out, we have some truly huge news for you.

Way back in May of 2021, our petting zoo barn caught fire and burned to the ground. We lost many animals in the fire and it was devastating to everyone of us here at the Falls. There is just no way to prepare yourself for a disaster such as that.

Well here we are almost two years out and we still don’t have a barn nor have we replaced our lost friends that lived in the barn.

All that is about to change. This is an exclusive so hold on to your seats!! We have finally gotten everything in place to begin construction on the new Animal Habit!!

Beginning in April, Noccalula Falls will once more have the crews working on another big project… our brand new barn!

I just saw the finalized plans this afternoon and I am impressed. The computer renderings of the barn look wonderful. (I’ll add them below). With this new barn we are going to have a completely new experience for you. The new layout will have everything the old barn had and more. There will be more chances to host educational classes and seminars, the farm animals will have new stalls, the layout will make it easier to see the animals, and (thank goodness), we are finally adding restrooms to that end of the park!

Of course we are still ironing out a few details here and there but wow! This is so great! We’ll be adding more info as we get it but for now just know that we are about to get out full Animal Habitat back to normal, or as close to normal as possible. Wait, no, it will be even better!

Here is a super secret photo I snapped to give you a look. More to follow so hang in there.

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Christmas at the Falls From $12

Christmas at the Falls

November 21, 2025 @ 4:00 PM

The 2025 event opens Nov. 21st, 2025 and runs through Jan. 3rd, 2026 (Closed Dec. 24th & Dec. 25th). The event will feature millions of lights as you wind your way through the park. The park is also filled with holiday displays and decorations, bringing out the Christmas cheer in everyone. Train rides through the park is included with the price of admission. A Train Express Pass is available for purchase so you can jump that crazy line on our busy nights. (Only 25 passes are sold for each time slot)