Mid June 2022 Update
It sure has been a busy month here at Noccalula Falls Park. We just finished up the very successful Wheels on the Hill Car Show and Swap Meet this past Sunday. It was a lot of fun seeing all the people come into the park showing off their vehicular works of art. Thanks to everyone who attended, to those that brought in their cars to show off, and to all of our staff for working so hard as always. Can’t wait til next year. We finish up one event and immediately begin another. We are now preparing for The Barbarian Challenge, held at our ball field area on June 18th, 2022. THAT’S THIS WEEKEND!! Wow that got here fast. If you aren’t familiar with the Challenge then by all means watch this video: We’ve been working for about a month…
June 14, 2022
June 2022 Update
Hey everyone and welcome to our June 2022 update. You may not know it, but June is one of our busiest months here at Noccalula Falls. Lots of news and notes to pass on to you for sure! Let’s begin with a major long awaited announcement. After all of the planning and re-planning, multiple drawings…
June 2, 2022
News for May 2022
Park Update for May 2022 Welcome Noccalula Falls Fans!! (We really need a clever name for ourselves. Please feel free to send in your ideas) We have a ton to stuff to talk about for May and summer in general. Let’s get started with news from around the park. Construction has begun on our new…
April 29, 2022
Lots of news for you
Hello fellow Falls Fans. We have a ton of news to share with you today! First up, the park is open and we welcome you to another year at Noccalula Falls. Our Spring hours are daily from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM (Last ticket is sold at 4:30PM) Once school is out, those hours will…
March 25, 2022
Welcome to our Blog!
Please allow us to introduce you to our new blog. This page will be where we post interesting notes, news, park updates, and many other items of interest. Check back often because we have some great things planned for you.
March 25, 2022